I want more llamas!

I feel like I need to dedicate a post to the shit my kid says, as that is usually the reason for having #2…. If we didn’t find this one so amusing, why would we bother with another?

Last week was rough as my babysitter was out of town, so my son had to stay at home with me all day while I worked. I felt like an awful parent for sticking him in front of the ol’ tube all day long, but it was the only way that I could really be productive. For awhile I was sitting by him on the couch and he was quietly playing with something on the floor, which should have been my first indication that something wasn’t right. All of a sudden he exclaims, “Look Mommy! I can tie your headset in a knot!” Excellent buddy. Excellent.

Today while we were on our way to the local pool, my son was pretty excited, and consequently, he was behaving very well. I turned to him and said, “Buddy, why are you such a good boy?” and he says to me, “Because I like cookies.” I think that’s fair.

When we got home from the pool and I was working on dinner, my son WAS NOT being a good boy and my husband put him in timeout. He was sitting there pouting and when I walked by he said, “Llama Llama Mad at Mama.” Now, if you read to your kid as much as I do, you will understand why this was a naughty, yet brilliant comment.

Finally…. bedtime. As much as I adore my son, I must admit that I am usually worn out by the time sun goes down and I’m ready for him to go to sleep. He grabbed a super hero book and handed it to his daddy, and we all laid down to read together. Somehow during this story, the topic of outer space came up (maybe something about the Green Lantern) and my son asked if there are storms in space. My husband proceeded to explain to him how geomagnetic storms work, and my son was completely into it. I couldn’t deal with all the brainy-ness in that room, so I left them to it.

Ah, it is days like this that remind me how cool kids are (especially the kind that my hubby and I produce!) and I just can’t wait for #2 to grace us with his or her presence. All that remains is getting pregnant!